Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Energy Saving Ideas Guaranteed to Save You Money!

Did you know that a bigger and heavier automobile is more expensive to use? They take up more fuel. So if you have more than one vehicle, and you’re not planing to car pool, why not use your car instead of the family van? This is a wonderful energy saving idea that would save you some money.

Another good energy saving idea when it comes to transportation is to not always use your car. On those beautiful, sunny days, why not try walking or taking your bike for a ride for those short-distance destinations.

Now that we’ve got your transportation covered, let’s talk about your home. One good energy saving idea that you can incorporate into your lifestyle is to use fluorescent lighting.
Fluorescent lights take up lower wattage, but effuses the same amount of light as regular light bulbs, therefore taking up less energy.

Make it a habit to turn off the lights when you are not using it. This is an energy saving idea that would not cost you a single penny.

Always unplug appliances when you are not using them. This is a great energy saving idea, especially around the living room where most of the entertainment appliances are kept. Some appliances take up energy even if they are not being used.

Now for your kitchen, it’s a wonderful energy saving idea to always keep your refrigerator clean. A clean refrigerator takes up lesser energy, because it runs more effectively. So make it a habit to clean your refrigerator regularly. Plus, always keep your freezers and refrigerators full. An empty refrigerator requires more energy to run.

When it comes to baking it would not be a bad energy saving idea to use your toaster instead of your oven whenever possible. Economize your use of your oven by baking in batches.
Also a good energy saving idea is to use the microwave instead of your regular stove. You can use your microwave to boil water, cook dishes and make desserts. Microwaves cost less to run that traditional stoves.

A great energy saving idea for your washing machine would be to wash in full loads. Don’t throw just a shirt or two in the washer. Wait until your dirty laundry piles up before you do your washing. Try using warm or cold water temperature. This is an energy saving idea that once it becomes a habit will lessen the cost of your electricity bill over time.

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